Registered Campus Organization Event Terms and Conditions
Registered Campus Organization Event Terms and Conditions
As of March 2024
Table of Contents
Scheduling Priority
After mandatory and core campus programs have been accommodated, The Regents of the University of California on behalf of Student Center & Event Services at its Irvine campus (hereafter called “University” or “SCES”) schedules venues and resources on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with the booking priorities and release dates.
The use and occupancy provided shall not be assigned by Client, as set forth in the Confirmation Estimate, to any other entity, association, or person whatsoever.
Fronted events, where an entity books under one name but is intended for another, are strictly prohibited. Clients caught fronting may face temporary loss of booking privileges, in line with the University’s non-compliance outcomes. If an event is fronted for an external organization, the Client will be charged the full external event fees. Individuals may face disciplinary action under applicable policies. Determination of fronting is at the University’s discretion, considering event details and attendee affiliations. The decision can be appealed to the Student Center Board of Advisors, whose decision is final. See Compliance for more details about non-compliance outcomes.
Meeting and Event Benefits
UCI Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) may book up to 30 hours of meeting space per quarter for organization meetings in the Student Center Conference Center and up to two special events in the Student Center Conference Center each academic year. Ring Mall sales are limited to 10 per quarter. See more details in Plan an Event: Registered Campus Organizations.
Pre-Booking Requirements
For events booked by UCI RCOs, only an authorized signer for a RCO who has completed SCES COOL training can request to book space through University. Only the authorized signer noted as Client in the Confirmation Estimate may adjust their event. Client is solely responsible for communicating all event related needs and arrangements with University. Reservations shall be for meetings/events directly related to the sponsoring RCO and are non-transferable.
Lead Times
Event lead times will vary based on the size and scope of an event; some events may fall under the Major Event policy. If an event inquiry, or event information, is received with insufficient processing time, then University will advise and assist Client in identifying viable alternative event dates. See Plan an Event.
Space Holds
Client may hold up to two dates for a single event on a courtesy hold for no more than 14 days. Space will be released at the end of the 14 days if a signed Confirmation Estimate, and deposit (if applicable), has not been received by University.
An event is considered “Tentative” pending receipt by University of:
- a signed Confirmation Estimate
- Certificate(s) of Liability Insurance (if applicable)
- the non-refundable, non-transferable deposit
- approval of any special Client requests noted in the contract (e.g., sound, free-standing temporary structure, food permit, film and photography permit, etc.)
Once the Confirmation Estimate is signed by Client and University, and other required items are received and approved by University, the event will be “Confirmed.” If these items are not received by the deadlines noted and then approved by University, all or part of the reservation will be cancelled and associated resources will be released. If a Confirmation Estimate has been fully executed, and all or part of an event is cancelled due to Client’s failure to submit items by deadlines, then Client shall pay all applicable cancellation fees noted on the Confirmation Estimate. If Client still wants to have the event, Client shall be required to submit a new request to University. If space and resources are available, a new Confirmation Estimate would be produced and executed by Client. Client is advised that late booking fees (if applicable) will be added to Client’s final event invoice.
Venue And Resource Assignment
University reserves the right to assign and reassign venues and campus resources as it deems appropriate. Thus, University may cancel, reschedule, or relocate functions when internal campus, academic or other governmental conflicts or unforeseen circumstances necessitate such action. Client hereby waives any claims for damages or compensation against University should the contract be so terminated. Course coded classes receive priority in classroom and lecture halls. UCI University Registrar, which oversees the placement of course coded classes, releases unused rooms to University on an academic quarterly basis. At the beginning of each academic quarter, UCI University Registrar establishes a schedule for classes, but reserves the right to change the availability to accommodate adjustments to class enrollment, course reviews, midterms/exams, make-up classes, workshops, overflow rooms, etc. University will notify Client of changes or cancellations necessitated by the late addition/adjustment of course coded class activities.
Client shall notify University if their event, or any portion thereof, will be co-sponsored with another organization. University defines co-sponsorship as events that meet one or more of the following criteria:
- more than one organization involved in the planning process, including directives regarding the event
- funding for the event from other entities
- publicity of the event indicating sponsorship
Client understands and agrees that University reserves the right to modify/change fees charged, insurance requirements, or cancel the event if Client fails to properly notify University of all co-sponsors.
Charges contained in the Confirmation Estimate are estimates and subject to change. Estimated fees for services provided by partners (e.g., UCI Facilities Management, a third-party event service provider, etc.) are subject to change at any time. Client will be billed for the cost of partner-provided services based on rates at the time of use. Final charges will be calculated and billed to Client at the conclusion of the event.
Client agrees to pay University a non-refundable, non-transferable deposit by the date indicated in the deadline section of the Confirmation Estimate. University reserves the right to adjust the deposit amount. The deposit amount will be 50% of the Confirmation Estimate at the time of contracting, unless otherwise indicated in the deadline section. If Client has a history with University of past due bills, then 100% of the Confirmation Estimate will be collected when the deposit is due. If there is no history of past due bills, and if the estimated total is less than $100, a deposit will not be collected at the time of contracting and all event charges will be billed to Client either after the event occurs or upon cancellation of the event. Client may pay University using either:
- a credit card
- an active ASUCI club account (a $.50 invoice fee will apply)
- an invoice to Client’s personal Zot Account (a $.50 invoice fee will apply)
The remaining balance, if any, and any additional charges will be billed to Client at the conclusion of the event or upon cancellation of the event. If Client decides to pay by credit card, and charges are not paid upon University request, then University may issue a Campus Billing invoice directly to Client’s personal Zot Account and a $.50 invoice fee will be applied to the final event invoice. If Client is found to owe a past due amount at any point after booking and prior to the start of this event, then this contract may be cancelled by University if the past due amount is not paid in full within three weeks of notification or no later than three business days prior to the event start date (whichever comes first). Client will not be allowed to make new reservations with University until any past due amounts have been paid.
Insufficient Funds
If payment via ASUCI account is rejected or payment via credit card, bank card or other form of payment is denied, Client authorizes University to collect the amount of the payment plus an insufficient funds fee of $40 from the Client’s personal Zot Account. A $.50 invoice fee will apply. When payment is made by credit or bank card, the payment may also be subject to the terms and conditions required by the credit or bank card issuer.
Late Reservations/Changes
New reservations need to be made with adequate lead time. See LEAD TIMES. Reservations contracted less than 12 days prior to the event start date are considered late. Changes to an existing reservation need to be made as far in advance as possible. Only the signer noted as Client in the Confirmation Estimate may adjust their event. Changes made within 12 days of the event date are considered late. If a late reservation can be contracted less than 12 days prior to the event start, a $115 late fee will apply. A $115 late fee applies to each request for changes made with less than 12 days’ notice from the event start that affect University’s staffing including (but not limited to) layout changes, earlier pre/event start times or later post/event end times, adding an SCES Event Tech, etc. The late fee covers administrative costs only and is in addition to the standard cost associated with the staffing or items being added or modified.
To cancel their event (or certain venue spaces), Client agrees to contact University in writing. Client will be charged cancellation fees per date/venue cancelled based upon the Confirmation Estimate as follows:
Notice Received From Client | Cancellation Fee |
15 or more days prior to event | 50% total fees (i.e., the deposit) |
14 days or fewer prior to event | 100% total fees for cancelled space |
Cancellation fees will apply for any space on a specific date that is contracted and then released, including requests to change an event date/venue.
See Force Majeure Cancellation for specifics on cancellations due to a Force Majeure event(s), as defined.
No Shows
For Student Center Conference Center space, if University is not informed of a cancellation prior to the event start, a “no show” fee of $25 for small rooms (max. capacity of 199 people or less) and $100 for large rooms per room (max. capacity of 200+ people) will be applied to the final event invoice, in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.
Client shall be responsible for damage done to University of California property by Client, Client’s guests, invitees, employees, independent contractors, or other agents under Client’s control. University reserves the right to recover cleaning, replacement or reconditioning costs and fees from Client for loss of, or damages to, University premises (or other property/equipment rented on Client’s behalf) as a result of the event or actions by any of the foregoing individuals or entities.
Facility Use, Decorations, and Rearrangement of Furniture
To provide the community with space for meetings and events, Student Center conference rooms may not be booked by Clients for the purpose of studying. For safety and liability reasons, Client may not rearrange furniture or equipment at the venue. If items are rearranged, Client will be billed for the cost of the labor to reset the space plus a late change fee. See Late Reservations/Changes for details. Decorations and event signage may not be affixed to building walls or other campus surfaces (includes landscape). Light weight decorations or signage may only be affixed to walls inside a Student Center Conference Room using blue painter’s tape. Balloons must be tied down. If balloons/balloon stands or any other items are left behind by Client (or their event service provider) after the event, a disposal fee will be applied to the final event invoice. Confetti or glitter may not be used for any purpose due to the extensive cleanup required.
Venue Access
If Client requested access to a venue prior to the event start time and/or after the event end time (and such a request is approved by SCES, which SCES can deny in its sole and absolute discretion), then Client’s access to that venue will be noted as pre-event access and/or post-event access in the Agenda, as set forth in the event Confirmation Estimate, on the corresponding venue space. If no pre-event or post-event access was requested, then there will be no Agenda and Client will have access to the venue based on the event start and end time indicated for the venue space. Late change requests for adjusted access time, and on-site requests to change access times, are difficult or may be impossible to accommodate. If a late change to access time can be accommodated, additional costs/fees such as a late change fee, additional venue rental charges, or other associated charges (e.g., addition of Event Tech staffing hours) could apply.
Audiovisual Equipment
Audiovisual equipment varies by venue space. In classrooms and lecture halls, audiovisual equipment is called “smart equipment.” Smart equipment is booked by University through Classroom Technologies (CT) on behalf of Client. See information regarding smart equipment capabilities. On-site technical support for smart equipment is not available. Audiovisual equipment provided by University from its own inventory is delivered, setup, and operated (when applicable) by SCES Event Techs. When creating materials for use on a University projector, please use a 16:9 format. Should Client need additional audiovisual equipment not in inventory, a Senior Meeting & Event Planner will make appropriate arrangements on Client’s behalf. All applicable charges will be included in the final event invoice. For liability purposes, SCES Event Techs cannot assist clients with non-University owned audiovisual equipment. Audiovisual equipment provided by University is the responsibility of Client. The cost to repair or replace equipment that is damaged or lost will be added to the final event invoice.
Webinar Services
University makes Webinar services available to RCO and UCI Department clients. University has a Zoom Webinar account that can accommodate a maximum capacity of 1,000 people. Client’s use of SCES’ Zoom Webinar account is subject to any and all terms and conditions imposed by Zoom. SCES default settings apply to all Webinars. University configures and controls account settings. Clients are given limited permission to the Webinar using the co-host/panelist roles. See role information. The host role, which controls the Webinar account and the event settings, will be filled by an SCES Tech. Therefore, an SCES Tech is required whenever a client uses SCES Webinar Services. The SCES Tech will use one participant spot, so Client may have a maximum of 999 total participants. The total participant maximum includes co-hosts, panelists, participants, interpreter (if applicable) and live closed captioner typist (if applicable). The role of the SCES Tech during the event is solely to manage the webinar account configuration and settings. The SCES Tech will have access to audio, video, participant, and polling information/data. Client is responsible for providing individuals to serve content-related roles during the event such as speaking (including playing of related visual content during the Webinar such as videos, PowerPoints, etc.), a Master of Ceremonies (individual to introduce speakers, check Q&A/chat content, etc.), panelists/guest speakers, an interpreter, and an individual to provide live closed captioning typist services.
The following reports will be provided to Client post-event if the applicable Webinar feature was enabled: registration report, participant list, polling, and Q&A. In addition, Client will receive: copies of the transcription and access to a Webinar recording (if recording was enabled). Applicable reports, and the Google Drive with the Webinar recording, will be provided to Client within two (2) business days after the conclusion of the Webinar. For the recording, only raw footage (from the participant viewpoint) will be provided. Webinar recordings will be deleted 60 days after the Webinar date. If the Webinar used interpretation/transcription, it will not be recorded. Webinar services are provided “as is” and “as available” without any representation or warranty of any kind and Client’s use of the service is at Client’s own risk, and University makes no other representation or warranty, express or implied by operation of law or otherwise, including without limitation, any implied or statutory warranty of non-infringement, title, quiet enjoyment, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any implied warranty arising out of course of conduct, usage or trade practice, and University does not warrant that the service will be provided error-free, uninterrupted, secure, or virus-free. University neither warrants that Client in using the service will obtain the results that Client intends, nor that the service will be adequate for nor achieve the purposes and requirements of Client. University makes no warranties of any kind with respect to any third-party applications.
Food and Beverages
A. Space Restrictions
Food and beverages may not be served in the Student Center’s Crystal Cove Auditorium or in general assignment classrooms or lecture halls.
B. Catering
UCI Catering must always be consulted first to determine its capacity to supply the event. This includes providing UCI Catering the first right of refusal in the Student Center Conference Center and its associated patios and outdoor spaces (e.g., Student Center Terrace, Pacific Ballroom Patio, Doheny Beach Patio). Unless a written exception is obtained from UCI Catering, no other food vendor/caterer may serve or deliver food/beverages to the Student Center Conference Center. If UCI Catering is not able to manage the event, Client may select an approved Off-campus Food Vendor, subject to compliance with Article 5 of the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement and Regents Policy 5402, and only after obtaining a Carve Out. Use of a food truck at an outdoor venue also requires a Carve Out.
C. Food Delivery
For events in outdoor venues, Client may have food/beverages dropped off by an approved Off-Campus Food Vendor.
D. Client-Provided Food/Beverages
Client may purchase food/beverages from a grocery store or from a restaurant and Client may transport the food/beverages to the outdoor or Student Center event venue. Client may serve food and/or beverages in accordance with current campus policies and with Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) approval. When required, Client must obtain a EH&S Temporary Food Permit. See Temporary Food Permit requirements. Cooking by clients is only allowed in outdoor venues when the cooking activity complies with applicable EH&S Food Safety and Fire Safety policies.
E. Alcohol
The use of alcohol at events is governed by campus policy. See Sec. 900-13: Policy on the Sale, Service and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages and Serving Alcoholic Beverages at UCI Sponsored Events. An approved UCI Alcohol Request Form must be obtained prior to serving alcohol at an on-campus event. Alcohol may only be served by an insured, University approved caterer.
Cleaning Fees
If a venue is not left in the condition in which it was prior to Client’s event (e.g., stains, excess trash, balloons/balloon towers, confetti, etc.), a labor fee for cleaning may be applied to the final event invoice.
Receiving and Shipping of Materials
Due to space and storage constraints, University is only able to accommodate short-term, temporary storage of event related materials, subject to additional costs/fees. In general, University is able to receive items up to 72 hours in advance of an event and hold items awaiting shipment for up to 24 hours after the conclusion of the event. University does not accept responsibility for items that are shipped to University or are left behind on UCI premises. SCES reserves the right to discard any materials not removed within 24 hours after the conclusion of the event, unless otherwise agreed to in writing in the Confirmation Estimate. High value and/or fragile items like recording equipment, art, computers, etc. should be brought onto UCI premises by Client during pre-event setup and removed during Client’s post event. SCES will not move, assemble, or touch high value/fragile equipment for Client. University reserves the right to refuse to move any damaged or suspicious shipment items. If Client would like to store items on UCI premises, Client must request permission from University at least 15 days prior to event start date. If University approves the storage request in writing, labor and daily space usage fees may apply. In addition, Client must return a completed Storage Waiver to University prior to the event.
Depending on the nature of the event, University may require the presence of staff for AV support, on-site event assistance, traffic management, etc. Client is responsible for all associated staffing costs.
Telephones And Internet
House phones are available in various locations around the Student Center Conference Center for emergency and event related purposes. Telephone service at these locations is limited to on-campus extensions only. Mobile internet access is available in all public areas of the Student Center. UCI affiliates and visitors may gain access to UCInet Mobile Access by registering their computer or mobile device through the Office of Information Technology website. Hardline requests for telephone and Internet inside venue spaces may be ordered in advance of Client’s event. Installation and service fees will apply. At least 15 days’ notice is needed for this service. Aliso Beach A and B both have permanent phone lines, but Client must request use of the phone lines and pay any applicable fees.
Client must obtain SCES’ written permission for a videographer to connect or plug their equipment into any SCES equipment, including sound output. A certificate of Commercial Liability Insurance will be required for an off-campus videography provider. See Insurance.
UCI Policy 900-30 requires a permit for internal use and external use filming and photography on UCI campus premises. To request a UCI Film and Photography Permit, complete and submit the application form found at Filming and Photography Shoots at least 30 or more days prior to the event/shoot start date.
Event Service Providers
- University strives to provide quality service to all its customers; however, University does not endorse or assume any responsibility for third-party materials, products or event service providers (e.g., Facilities Management equipment rentals, CT smart equipment, parking services, and a third-party equipment rentals).
- All event service providers (hired for Client by University or hired directly by Client) are required to comply with campus policies, including insurance requirements. See Workers’ Compensation Coverage and Other Insurance Requirements. Client is responsible for complying with Regents Policy 5402 and article 5 by either using UCI’s official in-house service provider or obtaining a Carve Out before securing off-campus event support for covered services (e.g., table and chair setups in an outdoor venue).
Parking permits are required at all times for all vehicles parked on campus. Permit rates can be obtained online. Client is responsible for handling all associated parking and transportation related arrangements with Guest & Event Services directly. Examples of such arrangements include (but are not limited to) purchasing parking permits, securing attendants to sell parking permits to event guests, hiring traffic directors to manage vehicle flow, coordinating event signage (e.g., road and pedestrian), arranging bus drop offs, etc. Guest & Event Services may be reached at 949-824-2690 or
Non-commercial fundraising by UCI RCOs is allowed on UCI premises, as long as the fundraiser complies with fundraising policy (see section 42.30). RCOs are prohibited from selling canned soda, UCI emblematic items, credit cards, or newspaper subscriptions. Other merchandise-type items will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Sale of food is subject to University approval (see Catering/Food And Beverages).
Accepting Credit/Debit Cards
If an RCO Client is collecting funds via credit/debit card at a meeting or event and depositing the funds into a UCI account (e.g., a Student Government/ASUCI club account), then Client must follow UCI Policy 704-14.
Raffle/Opportunity Drawing
Raffles/opportunity drawings are permitted at an event when the activity is compliant with requirements under Federal and California laws, including Federal Income tax laws.
Gambling is not permitted at an event unless the activity complies with Federal and California laws.
Temporary Vendors
Client must inform University of any entities wanting to sell products or services onsite at an event. At least 15 days prior to the event start, Client will provide University with the following for each temporary vendor:
- a completed temporary vendor permit application
- a completed temporary vendor agreement
- certificate of insurance
See UCI Policy 900-16. See Workers’ Compensation Coverage and Other Insurance Requirements.
Client must inform University of any individual or entity that wants to be onsite at an event to share information about programs, products, or services (but that will not sell products or services on UCI premises). At least 15 days prior to the event start, Client will provide University with the following for each exhibitor:
- list of items the exhibitor plans to bring to campus
- requests for items or services provided by the venue for the exhibitor
University will coordinate with UCI Risk Services and advise Client of any applicable insurance requirements. University will consult campus partners regarding other applicable requirements as necessary.
All events must comply with UCI safety policies, as well as applicable regulatory codes and laws. Client is responsible to ensure all event details are in compliance with all applicable laws, including the fire code and campus safety requirements. Client shall submit to University the event details during the booking process for review. Proposals for free-standing temporary structures must be submitted to University using the form more than 15 days prior to an event start for safety review, pending a safety inspection on the event date. If a free-standing temporary structure is found to be unsafe, University will not approve the free-standing temporary structure for use at the event. Outdoor structures may not exceed 10' in height and must fit within the designated reserved location. Clients interested in using open flame devices must obtain written permission from University in advance. Open flame devices are defined as candles, torches, gas grills, butane burners, or any other flame-producing device. Each event will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by University in coordination with the UCI Fire Safety Division. Open flame devices will only be approved when appropriate measures have been taken to ensure fire safety. Client’s event participants must evacuate UCI facilities any time that a fire alarm sounds. Failure to evacuate may result in cancellation of the remainder of the event and/or any future reservations, and/or disciplinary action in accordance with the applicable personnel policy or code of conduct. Tampering with life safety equipment is a violation of State law and, in addition, may result in disciplinary action including removal from UCI premises. Event participants may not disconnect, damage, or tamper in any way with life safety devices. Client, including Client’s event participants/guests shall immediately report to University any safety issues or equipment malfunctions.
The presence of UCIPD approved security personnel may be required for an event depending on the size and scope of the event. Security needs for an event may be reviewed and established by University in coordination with the UCI Police Department (UCIPD). For events that are classified as “Major Events,” a security meeting with representatives from UCIPD must occur five or more weeks prior to the event date. See UCI’s Major Events Policy for further information on applicability and approval process. University does not take responsibility for equipment or supplies brought to campus by Client, its event service providers, or its participants/guests. Client may request to hire Community Safety Ambassadors (CSAs) or other UCIPD approved personnel/security to monitor equipment prior to, during, and after the event. The hiring of CSAs or other security personnel does not guarantee the safety and/or security of any equipment or persons. In the event of an emergency, Client shall contact 9-1-1 immediately and request assistance. When Client’s personnel (including employees and volunteers) are working at UCI, they are considered Campus Security Authorities by Federal Law, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). As such, any employee or volunteer of Client who works at any location that is owned, leased or controlled by UCI, is required to immediately report any crime observed or reported to them to UCIPD. To make a report and/or review the Clery Act, see UCIPD’s Clery Act guide.
Workers’ Compensation Coverage
Client and any temporary vendor or third-party event service providers are responsible for complying with applicable workers’ compensation requirements outlined in California Labor Code Section 3700. See Division of Workers’ Compensation FAQs.
Other Insurance Requirements
If indicated in the Confirmation Estimate, Client shall provide University a Certificate of Insurance showing evidence of Commercial Liability coverage of at least $1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate. Commercial Automobile Liability with a combined single limit of at least $1 million for bodily injury and property damage shall be required for any commercial vehicles. Evidence of automobile insurance will be required if any vehicles will be driven by Client or its representative, participant, or guest on any portion of the campus other than open public roads and designated parking lots. Client must obtain authorization from University in writing prior to any such activity. Sexual molestation and abuse coverage is required for events where minors may be in attendance without their parent/legal guardian. The Certificate of Insurance provided to University from Client shall include coverage for all participants, staff, and volunteers associated with the program, or shall include other language to demonstrate such coverage. Any temporary vendor or event service provider (e.g., equipment rentals, florist, photographer, balloon service, transportation to and from campus, etc.) shall insure, at its sole cost and expense, its activities and obtain, keep in force, and maintain insurance. If Client intends to use a third-party event service provider (even if the services are provided to Client free of cost), Client shall notify University more than 21 days prior to the event start date. Third-party event service providers must be approved by University (in coordination with UCI Risk Services and campus administration) and are required to provide evidence of Commercial Liability and Commercial Automobile Liability before they can provide services on UCI premises. Additional coverages may be required depending on the type of event, potential risk, and possibility of inclusion of minors. University shall provide Client the types and limits of insurance that UCI Risk Services requires of the third-party event service providers. UCI Risk Services may require higher coverage or additional types of insurance based on the scope of the event and/or services being provided. See University of California Minimum Insurance Requirements for Contractors/External Users. All Certificates of Insurance must include The Regents of the University of California as additional insured and a certificate holder and obligate the insurers to notify University at least 30 days prior to cancellation of, or a change in, insurance coverage. Client shall furnish University with Certificates evidencing compliance with all requirements more than 15 days prior to the event start date. Failure to meet any insurance requirements shall make this contract null and void and will result in cancellation of the event at Client’s expense.
Certificate Holder Information:
The Regents of the University of CaliforniaAttn: Student Center & Event Services
UCI Student Center & Event Services
A311 Student Center
Irvine, CA 92697-2050
Temporary vendors and third-party event service providers may use any insurance provider to meet these insurance requirements.
Personal Liability
Client, their Registered Campus Organization, and even the Client’s parent/legal guardian can be held legally and financially responsible for their event.
Events with minors require the following: advanced planning, supervision plans, onsite supervision, consideration of transportation to and from UCI (note: insurance requirements from transportation providers apply), sexual molestation and abuse insurance coverage (see Other Insurance Requirements), and waiver documents must be signed by parents or legal guardians well in advance of the event. See Waivers. University managed venue spaces may not be used for babysitting/daycare/childcare.
High-risk events, and/or events with minors (including virtual events with minors), are subject to UCI waiver requirements. See the Hazard Class for a list of events that require waivers. At least 30 days prior to needing the waiver to distribute, Client must complete and submit the Event Liability Waiver Information Form. University and UCI Risk Services will review the Event Liability Waiver Information Form and provide Client with waivers to distribute for signature. The waivers provided by UCI Risk Services may not be changed or altered in any way. Client is responsible for ensuring all program participants have signed waivers on file with University and for notifying individuals who do not sign the waiver that they cannot participate in the event/activity. Visit Event Liability Waiver Information Form for information about waiver requirements.
In general, animals are prohibited in campus buildings, athletic fields or parks. See UCI Policy 905-40. In addition, for locations booked by SCES, animals (including therapy dogs) are not permitted indoors. Service Animals are permitted.
Short Term Venue Rentals
University books short-term venue rentals for meetings, conferences, and events. University defines short-term venue rentals as use of a venue(s) that is less than 13 weeks in duration. Requests to use venues for 13 weeks or more are considered long-term rentals and typically cannot be accommodated by University. Requests to quote usage of a venue(s) for 13 weeks or more will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If University has the resources to prepare a long-term usage proposal, then a long-term proposal fee of $750 will apply and is due prior to University conducting any work. If Client accepts the proposal and signs an event contract, then the long-term proposal fee will be credited to the event charges.
Use of sound in outdoor locations requires a Sound Permit. See UCI Policy 900-10 section D.3 for details. To request to use sound outdoors, complete and submit the Sound – Request/Exception Form. This form should be submitted 15 days in advance of the event start in order to allow sufficient time for review. Submitting this form does not guarantee approval of Client’s request. For indoor venues, a sound permit is not required. However, Client must inform University during the booking process if an indoor event will have drums/other instruments, music/a band, singing, or other loud noise so an appropriate venue space (with thick walls or a buffer area that separates the sound from nearby events/activities) can be identified.
Outdoor Electrical
University cannot guarantee that outdoor outlets (where available) will function. Clients should consider requesting (and paying) for a Facilities Management electrician to test electrical outlets prior to the event.
Client is aware that outdoor events can be impacted by weather including but not limited to heat, wind, and rain. Client shall consider booking an alternative indoor venue, or obtaining equipment to provide shelter for their outdoor event. Clients that do not book an alternative indoor venue in advance may be subject to late change fees, if resources are available to accommodate the event indoors last-minute. Outdoor canopies must be weighted at all times in case there is wind. Weights must be fully attached to all canopy poles. For a 10' × 10' canopy, each pole needs at least 40 lbs of weight and larger canopies need 50 – 80 lbs per corner pole. An organization that does not have a weighted canopy on all four sides will need to remove the canopy for safety reasons. Clients will be informed by University if weighted canopies need to be removed during inclement weather for safety reasons. On rainy days, University will not set out SCES equipment rentals (including but not limited to tables, chairs, and audiovisual equipment). If Client has a canopy, University may set out (by request) SCES table and chair rentals only. If it rains, Client should speak with their Senior Meeting & Event Planner regarding alternative dates for information tabling. For all other event types, Client may request a refund/credit for any SCES equipment rentals not available to Client on the day of their event due to rain. Equipment rented from event service providers is subject to the terms and conditions established by the service provider.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems (“Drones”)
Use of drones at UCI (including at events) is governed by policy, in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations. See UCI Policy 900-33.
All props for an event must be approved by University in writing in advance of the event. Information regarding proposed props must be received by University at least 15 days or more prior to the event start. Props must be free standing. Placement of props within a space/venue must comply with Fire Code. Backdrops, or any prop structures, require safety review and approval. See Safety for free-standing temporary structure details. The use of open flames as a prop is prohibited. Non-Affiliates may not wear a mask, personal disguise, or otherwise conceal their identity with the intent of intimidating any person or group, or for the purpose of evading or escaping discovery, recognition, or identification in the commission of violations of University policy, University regulations or municipal, state, or federal laws on UCI premises. See Regulations Governing Conduct of Non-Affiliates in the Buildings and on the Grounds of the University of California. In accordance with California Penal Code, most weapons, weapon like objects, are not permitted on UCI premises. To request permission to use weapons (or weapon like objects) at an event, Client must submit their request to University more than 15 days prior to the event start for University and UCIPD review.
Client shall obtain appropriate license(s)/written permission to display, publicly screen, distribute, or reproduce any copyrighted/trademarked material. Proof of license(s)/permission shall be provided to University (if requested) at least 15 days prior to event start date. Should a dispute arise over the legal use of copyrighted/trademarked material, University has the right to restrict use of any materials on its premises until such dispute is resolved to the satisfaction of The Regents. The Regents require compliance with The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17, United States Code, Public Law 94-553, 90 stat. 2541).
Any use of names, marks, logos, or trademarks of the University of California/UCI, or any abbreviations thereof in connection with events held on UCI premises must comply with policy and may require prior approval in writing. See UCI Policy 700-20. Client must notify University of any proposed use of names, marks, logos or trademarks at least 15 days prior to the event start in order to obtain any necessary approvals. If Client’s event has been deemed a Major Event per UCI Policy 900-15, all publicity materials for the event, regardless of whether the materials are posted online or in hard copy, must identify Client as the event sponsor.
UCI students, faculty, staff, registered campus organizations, and UC departments may post and exhibit noncommercial literature and printed materials only in approved locations, and may distribute such literature and materials only in areas open to the public generally. Printed materials may not be affixed to building surfaces. See UCI Posting Policy. Posting flyers on the interior and exterior surfaces of the Student Center is prohibited. Inside the event venue space, for a fee, University can hang banners from the ceiling (size and location restrictions will apply) or create and display a variety of custom event signs. Client may bring event posters to place on an easel during an event, as long as the placement of easels has been approved by University in advance.
SCES Postings
Client agrees that their event information may appear on websites, digital signs, and in applications managed by University.
Customer Survey
By signing the Confirmation Estimate, Client consents to receive a customer satisfaction survey after the event to the email listed. Completion of the survey is optional.
UCI premises, including outdoor areas, are smoke, tobacco, and marijuana free. As such, smoking, the use of tobacco or tobacco products (including electronic smoking devices), and marijuana is prohibited on any premises owned or controlled by UCI. Further, the sale and/or advertising of tobacco, tobacco products, or marijuana is prohibited on all UCI owned or controlled premises. For more information refer to UCI Policy 903-14. Violations could subject and individual and/or entity to enforcement action, disciplinary action, and/or event cancellation.
Clients are responsible for complying with any applicable elements of the UCOP Sustainability Policy.
Americans With Disabilities Act
In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, certain services, facilities and/or accommodations may be required for participants in or at Client’s event. It is Client’s sole responsibility to determine whether any such needs exist and whether University has the capability to provide for them. In accordance with the provisions of their contract, Client shall pay all costs/fees for such services, equipment, or facilities furnished by University. Such costs/fees will be added to the Client’s final invoice.
Harassment and Nondiscrimination Policy
University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or generic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship or service in the uniformed services, or any other protected category under applicable law. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University events. Client must adhere to this policy for the duration of their contract.
Client agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and codes in the performance of their contract. Client confirms that all information provided herein is accurate and that they will conduct the event in accordance with UCI policies and procedures outlined at SCES Policies and Guidelines. Failure to comply with one or more contract terms, UCI guidelines/policies, or laws, may result in cancellation of all or a portion of the event at Client’s expense. In addition, failure to comply with terms, policies, or laws may result in the loss of future booking privileges. See SCES Guidelines and Procedures for Non-Compliance With Student Center Event Rules for compliance details.
University shall defend, indemnify, and hold Client, its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), or claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of their Contract but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorneys’ fees, or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of University, its officers, employees, or agents. Client shall defend, indemnify, and hold University, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), or claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of their Contract but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorneys’ fees, or claims for injury or damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of Client, its officers, employees, invitees, guests, or agents.
Force Majeure Cancellation
- “Force Majeure” is an unforeseen event that
- is beyond the control of University or Client and may include, but is not limited to significant severe inclement weather conditions, fire, flood, strike, civil disturbance, war (whether declared or not), riot, blackout, air raid, acts of public enemy, acts of terrorism, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine or any law, order, rules, regulations, acts or restraints of any governmental body of authority and
- make it impossible or impractical to perform the obligations in contract.
- In the event University cannot make UCI facilities available or in the event Client is unable to use UCI premises because of a Force Majeure event, the contract shall terminate; University and Client shall be excused from their obligations in contract; no party shall be liable to the other party in connection with such termination. Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure event, the non-performing party shall promptly notify the other party that a Force Majeure event has occurred and its anticipated effect on performance, including its expected duration. University shall be entitled to payment for any and all work performed, including costs paid and/or contracted for and commitments that cannot be cancelled, up to and including the date of notification of the Force Majeure event.
- Should University desire to cancel or be unable to perform the contract due to a Force Majeure event, then University shall notify Client in writing and return any payments, less the cost for services rendered. Client shall be relieved of any further obligations under the contract.
- Should Client desire to cancel the contract due to a Force Majeure event and if notification is given in writing to University, Client and University shall be relieved of any further obligation under the contract. It is, however, understood that if the event is cancelled by Client, Client shall reimburse University for all expenses incurred to date.
- In case of cancellation by Client, it shall be the responsibility of Client to make reasonable public announcements, at Client’s expense, concerning the cancellation as soon as possible.
- University shall retain the right to cause the interruption in the interest of public safety and likewise cause the termination of such event when it is the sole good faith judgement of UCI leadership such act is necessary in the interest of public safety.
- Client agrees to and does waive any and all other claims against University and agrees University shall have no other liability as a result of a Force Majeure cancellation.
Applicable Law
Contracts shall be governed by the laws of the State of California.
Waiver And Non-Enforcement
It is agreed that any waiver and non-enforcement by University of any term or condition of the contract shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term or condition of this contract. Acceptance by University of any payment after Client’s breach of any provision of the contract shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or any prior subsequent breach of any provision, other than Client’s failure to make timely payments so accepted whether or not University knew of the breach at the time such payment was accepted. The contract shall be construed as if the parties jointly prepared it, and any uncertainty or ambiguity shall not be interpreted against any one party.