Student Center and Event Services

Award – NACAS Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services

Award – NACAS Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services

Home About Our Organization Award – NACAS Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services
NACAS Award Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services

NACAS award for Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services. August 2020.

National Association of College Auxiliary Services

As the leading organization in supporting campus environments, the National Association of College Auxiliary Services represents campus functions that specialize in generating business through a diverse array of services for students to take advantage of, such as dining, bookstores, housing, and transportation. The NACAS award measures the enhancement of customer service, the generation of additional revenue, reduction of cost, and the potential for adaptability in other institutions.

The Student Center offers a unique method of tracking employee progress by way of The Level Up Program, which received the Innovative Achievement in Auxiliary Services award in August 2020. The application holds great potential due to being user-friendly and easily customizable for organizations requiring a more reliable means of monitoring employee growth. For student employees especially, the program collects all of their progress and stores it in one convenient location for them to refer back to when they wish to advance in their department.

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