Student Center and Event Services

Award – CCE California Team Excellence Award

Award – CCE California Team Excellence Award

Home About Our Organization Award – CCE California Team Excellence Award
California Council for Excellence California Team Excellence Award

California Council for Excellence’s California Team Excellence Award. January 2020.

California Council for Excellence

Backed by the California Council for Excellence (CCE), a non-profit educational organization, the California Team Excellence Award is granted to teams upon completing a comprehensive assessment of key work processes based on the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework. Within the span of a 10-page report and a 20-slide presentation delivered over Zoom, any organizations who have their sights set on this award must prove that they represent the leading edge of validated leadership and management practices.

The CCE recognized the Student Center IT Developer Team for their commitment to performance excellence, by way of innovations in performance practices, principles, and strategies, through their work on applications such as The Level Up Program, Real-Time Ops, UCI Now, and ZOTFinder. The group won the California Team Excellence Award in January 2020, which was presented to them at the Celebrating Excellence conference in Newport Beach.

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