Message from the Interim Director

Amy Schulz
Posted on September 16, 2019
I am pleased to welcome you to the 2019 – 2020 school year. I invite you all to visit UCI’s world-class Student Center recognized internationally by the IACC as a conference center of excellence. I speak on behalf of the entire Student Center team as I invite you to explore the host of services and facilities designed to support our diverse Anteater community.
It is my pleasure to serve as interim director at an exciting time on campus as we welcome our new Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Dr. Banks. I share Dr. Banks’ passion for student success, and I echo his commitment to transformative experiences in and outside of the classroom. I myself am an alumna of UCI and a 29-year veteran of Student Affairs. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the year ahead and encourage you to stop by my office to share your insights and ideas for making UCI’s Student Center a welcome and inclusive gathering place for all.
Best Regards,
Amy D. Schulz
Interim Director Student Center & Event Services
University of California, Irvine